All Me With A Couple Dashes of Crazy

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Money Tree & Wisdom Teeth

So it's already been proven that they serve no purpose and in still having mine, I can say that they haven't brought me any divine answers or words of "wisdom" so I am curious as to why the even got that name in the first place. I'm scheduled to have them taken out next week and having all 4 of them impacted is definitely not only causing pain and headaches, but is impacting my concentration and mood. I am absolutely petrified to have them out, but I now I can't put it off any longer. The pain is getting worse and I am getting less and less accomplished. I hear horror stories about how some have gotten "dry sockets" and how others have walked out of the office and are able to eat pizza the same night. While I hope to be one of the lucky ones that feels instant relief, I am a smoker, and I almost feel guilty knowing that my moodiness in not smoking isn't going to be pleasant for anyone around me. I've heard that the pain from dry sockets is worse than that of labor, well, with a good anethesiologist, I didn't think labor was as terrible as all the other women had made it out to be. Yes, I was a big baby about that to and got an epidural. The problem this time, is that they want me to undergo extracting all 4 impacted wisdom teeth, extract 3 other teeth, and fix an exposed nerve all while awake, no sedation other than the valium I will self medicate with beforehand. I am not a fan of needles and in the past, my anxiety has blocked the local anesthetic so what should have been 3 shots turned into 12. I REALLY don't want to have to do this awake. They want $416 up front to knock me out with gas and I wanna go find a money tree to shake to make it happen. If anyone knows someone who is growing one of these in their highly secured, fenced in with coiled barb wire at the top, let me know, that scares me less than the idea of doing this awake.


At June 13, 2010 at 7:31 PM , Blogger The Queen said...

I had all my upper teeth taken out.. the bones shaved and reshaped... and I did get a dry socket in one... secret to dry sockets...

cloves... no kidding... cloves.... kills the pain


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