All Me With A Couple Dashes of Crazy

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The kindness of strangers

There is an amazing website called that people can post wishes for wants and needs and search to grant wishes of others as well. I have hit rock bottom right now and I do have a wish posted. However, since I am relatively new to the blog thing with no followers, I have asked for help from some of the blogs I have thoroughly enjoyed reading that have made me laugh and have touched my heart. Immediately, a wonderful stranger offered to help by posting the information to her blog that does have quite a few followers. I was immediately brought to tears by her immediate kindness not even knowing me.

Here is my situation: I am a single mother of two wonderful little boys (6 & 2) that brighten every day of my existence. I normally work 4 jobs on top of being a full-time student and owning my own Mary Kay business. However, right now, I am unable to work because of the surgeries and trying to heal and therefore haven't been able to pay my rent or other bills. I feel useless right now and am depressed as my children need new summer clothes and I can't provide them for them, I can't pay my bills, and I can't work. I am so not used to working that I feel like I am not doing anything productive in providing for my own children. I know there are people in this world that are worse off than I am, but after leaving an abusive relationship after 6 years and finally getting a restraining order and feeling safe again, I am afraid that the understanding and compassion of my landlord (who said he will work with me because of my kindness and compassion to him in the time that his wife was dying and has now passed) will run out shortly because of the medical bills and funeral costs that he has to cover himself. I am behind on my car payment and I lost my car insurance because I can't afford that even. Wisconsin just made it mandatory law so I am afraid to drive for the risk of being pulled over and the pain medication I am on suggests I not, but I do need to be able to get to follow up doctor appointments. My utilities are in danger of being disconnected because of my inability to pay. I am to the point where I am willing to accept hand-me-down donations for my children just so they have appropriate summer clothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated and I truly am grateful for the kindness of those who would be willing to add the to their blog and also teach me how to do it for my own blogpage. Again, I am new at this.

Thank you Amber for your quick and generous response to my email. It brought immediate tears to my eyes and love to my heart. May God bless you in so many special ways.

My specific wish is and your help, prayers, and encouragement is truly heartfelt.


At June 11, 2010 at 10:47 AM , Blogger DVAGB said...

Thank you Ian & Amber

At June 12, 2010 at 7:01 AM , Blogger Gucci Mama said...

Just coming over from Ian's place. Not sure if it's what you need, but I have a bunch of boy's clothes in sizes 24 months and 2T. If you want, please email me at
and give me some details. I'm happy to help if I can!


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